Primer On Low Glycemic Diets

Posted by Download On Senin, 06 Februari 2012 0 komentar
By Richard Horowitz

Overview. Low glycemic diets are good for everyone but the people who need these diets most are Diabetics and those trying to lose weight. Foods are measured by GI glycemic indexing.

So what does GI, or glycemic indexing mean to you? The glycemic index ranks from 1 to 100. This is the method by which foods are measured and shows the amount a food will raise blood sugar and insulin levels. You will need to rate at which your blood sugar levels go up, as this can help you both in diabetes maintenance and keeping a healthy weight. A food is considered high glycemic if it can be quickly transmogrified to sugar through digestion. In other words, these are foods that seriously impact your blood sugar. High glycemic foods, in relation to the GI scale, would have a ranking of 70 upwards. Such foods would include, but are not limited to:

Foods rich in sugar and/or glucose Potatoes, whether baked or mashed White Rice White (not whole grain) bread Cookies, cakes, doughnuts and muffins that include refined white flour as a primary ingredient Junk food

Low glycemic foods include some fruits and vegetables they are 55 or less on the GI scale. Examples of these are

Most types of fruit, such as apples, oranges, pears and berries Whole grains such as wheat, bran and other high fiber grains Pasta Whole milk Low-fat yogurt Lentils Whole grain cereals

Why use a low Glycemic Diets: High glycemic foods can cause weight gain and are dangerous for those suffering from Diabetes. The reason being, glycemic foods can increase your appetite, and subsequently increase your body's triglyceride production. Weight gain would result as well from this process. Cutting carbohydrates is not enough. You would need to educate yourself on how the food you ingest is congruent to the GI index by which they are measured.

Certain foods such as fresh meat, eggs and cheese and other high-protein foods do not have a GI rating as they are not particularly rich in carbohydrates. That is why a low glycemic diet may include these foods if you feel they are appropriate.

Diabetes is a life threatening disease when not taken care of and it is very important to be aware of the glycemic index of the foods you eat. One of the first methods of treatment is to put these patients on a low glycemic diet. This helps individuals bring down their levels of blood sugar and keep that level of blood sugar healthy.

Obesity: In addition, a low glycemic diet can help you lose excess pounds. One of the best and most tested ways to reduce weight and to stay at that healthy weight would be to maintain a low glycemic diet, and with protein-rich foods added in, you can facilitate the weight loss process.

You need not be a nutritionist to understand how different foods can make an impact on your quality of life and health as a diabetic and/or overweight individual. You just have to do a little bit of research, as once you find those foods that are rich in protein and have a low glycemic index, you can achieve that coveted goal of staying healthy and improving your overall quality of life.

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