The Process Of Manufacturing Plastic Pyrolysis Oil

Posted by Download On Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012 1 komentar
By Yesenia Velez

As landfills begin to grow, and space grows more scarce, new solutions must be found to combat the problems of consumer culture. Unfortunately plastic containers are easy and cheap for manufacturers to use and it is unlikely they will reduce their use of it significantly. However, science is finding ways to create use for discarded packaging by turning it into plastic pyrolysis oil.

Nearly all mass manufactured goods come with some kind of plastic labeled by a letter and number abbreviation. Grocery stores are filled with it in nearly every aisle. Buying a large bags of sweets, one will find several smaller bags inside. PETE1 surrounds fruits and vegetables in the produce aisle. And as each buyer leaves the store, their merchandise is priced and placed in HDPE2 grocery bags. Then where does all the uneaten food and packaging that previously surrounded it land? The garbage dump. There you'll find it all housed in more bags specifically bought to put items in to them throw away.

It's true that some recyclable material does end up in recycling centers, but not all of it. Many people think recycling is too much trouble. Some are confused by all the numbers and don't know what items they can recycle. Then there are people are willing to recycle but can't because there are no recycling programs in their town or city. For all these reasons, much recyclable material ends up at the local dump.

When recyclables land at the recycling center, the work is not over. Plastics must be sorted by type and not all types can by recycled at every center. Plastic 1 and 2 can be reused most places but many cities don't have the facilities to recycle other types. In other words some of what makes it to a recycling center through waste management programs is not usable. Sometimes the programs can be inefficient and labor intensive.

That's why today some plastic is being turned into fuel. The fuel can then be used to power vehicles and machines. This is done through a process called pyrolysis.

When a material is heated at a high enough temperature it decomposes. This process is called pyrolysis and it's byproducts include carbon, oil and gas. Plastics and tires are two popular materials being used in pyrolization but scientists are discovering ways of pyrolizing many other materials as well. Pyrolysis allows conservation of all material by not exposing it directly to flames but surrounding it with heat.

Shredding or chopping a material into a smaller, more manageable size is the first step of pyrolization. Then the shredded material is fed into a pyrolizer which has been calibrated for that particular substance. Because everything has a specific temperature to which to heat, each machine is made to heat the material to the correct temperature for that substance. The machine has compartments that expand as the material inside of it does. It then dissipates clean heat.

Although it would be foolish to downplay the importance of recycling, it's not enough to take care of the large amount of waste being produced. The future of energy and waste management may be pyrolysis. It creates usable materials and no waste. plastic pyrolysis oil is a very usable product that is created out of what people are just throwing away.

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1 komentar:

StephaniePumphrey mengatakan...

Meanwhile, there is also a process considered a low one or also referred to as a vacuum procedure.

Pyrolysis Process

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