List for Survival Kit - What's On Your List?

Posted by Download On Senin, 03 September 2012 0 komentar
By Matt Burns

We all know that having a well prepared disaster survival kit could one day make the difference between life and death. But think about this...if your list for survival kit doesn't contain the correct things, then you might as well not have one at all. This sounds obvious, but you would be surprised how often survival specialists like us come face to face with outdated survival lists and downright inadequate disaster kits.

The whole reason behind having a list for survival kit is so that, when disaster does strike, you have all of the things you could feasibly need in order to survive on hand and easily retrievable. At the time when crisis strikes, even the calmest and most prepared of people will be overcome by fear and panic. The logical and rational among us will try not to let the fear take over, but like it or not it will impair your thoughts to a certain extent. Simple things that in normal circumstances would pose no problem to us will, in the event of a disaster, render even the best among us as panic stricken and unable to think straight.

But don't go running off to update your list for survival kit just yet. Before we can begin to prepare for the possible events of December 21st, we need to try and establish what kind of threats we are actually facing here. Even the briefest of looks around the internet will undoubtedly throw up hundreds of different possible disaster scenarios which mankind may face come December. Each scenario you read about will be more extravagant and fear provoking than the last. You'll find every conceivable explanation, from apocalyptic floods to gigantic asteroids colliding with the earth.

Let's not forget though, that the Mayan people - the people whose calendar is the source of panic for many who frantically work on perfecting their list for survival kit ideas - were a highly advanced civilisation. They were so far ahead of their time, that many of their discoveries and theories regarding the solar system are still standing well in science today. They knew things about the solar system that our civilisation is only just beginning to understand. If you can be sure of one thing when it comes to the Mayan people, it's that they weren't just advanced for their time, they were advanced full stop.

It's things like this which most people will not think about, which will make the difference between a survival kit list, and what we like to call a non-survival kit. Don't think about it in terms of the day to day items, think of having to rely solely on your survival kit for prolonged periods of time. Only by thinking about it this way will we start to realise what we actually need in there.

So ask yourselves this - is your list for survival kit as up to date as it could be? Do you keep an eye on new survival products as they emerge? Because making sure you are as prepared as you possibly can be, can all too often mean the difference between life and death. And when the stakes are that high, it pays to make sure that you are as prepared as you think you are.

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